Bekasi, March 18, 2023 – PT Fajar Surya Wisesa Tbk (FajarPaper), a leading packaging paper manufacturer which is a member of SCGP in Indonesia, is carrying out a clean activity (18/3) in commemoration of World Water Day on March 22, 2023. The clean activity is in collaboration with the Cikarang River Healing Base Community (REHAB) and also attended by representatives of several government agencies such as the Environment Service, the Fisheries Service, West Cikarang District and the People’s Culture Network (JAKER).

Team CSR and PUK SP KEP SPSI PT. Fajar Surya Wisesa, Tbk took part in various activities held in the Cikarang Watershed (DAS). These activities started with clean activities on the banks of the river, along the river, planting 30 bamboo trees on the banks of the river, spreading 1000 baung fish seeds which are native fish endemic to the Cikarang River, which have high protein content and low fat, and are good for immunity and competition. coloring which was attended by 80 children living around the river banks in Kalijaya and Harjamekar Villages.
“Happy World Water Day, water day is commemorated because it is very important for us, 70 percent of our body is water and it is not only needed by humans but all other living things such as animals and plants, therefore we need to take care of the rivers so they are clean.” Said Syahdan as a representative of the People’s Culture Working Network (JAKER) who then opened the event with a reading of the poem Karawang Bekasi by Chairil Anwar.

Syafri Donny Sirait, AP, SH, M.Si as Head of the Environment Agency Kabupaten. Bekasi said, “World Water Day is celebrated every March 22 since it was agreed at the 47th UN general assembly in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil (22 December 1992). World Water Day or World Water Day is a day of remembrance to make people in the world aware of the importance of sustainable water sources. The commemoration of the XXIX World Water Day began in 1993 with the aim that the world’s people provide support in water conservation. The highlight of the 30th World Water Day reminds us that water is a source rather than a source of life.
The Environmental Office of the Bekasi Regency Government, appreciated the implementation of the Water Day commemoration which was initiated by the Cikarang River Healing Base (REHAB) in collaboration with PT Fajar Surya Wisesa, Tbk. The Bekasi Regency Government hopes that this activity will become an example for stakeholders & industry in caring for and maintaining the environment in the Kab. Bekasi.”

Edi Kurniawan Saputra S.Stpi as a representative from the Fisheries Service said, “In this activity I was given the opportunity to convey the importance of consuming fish for children. The government has a stunting prevention program in children, which means that children don’t experience developmental delays. So children should eat protein such as fish, eggs and other proteins in their nutritional needs every day. The fish we released today are baung fish, hopefully it can grow and become a source of food for the local residents, as well as the children around here. Thanks also to FajarPaper for participating and supporting the river rehabilitation program, so that it can become a better habitat for fish in the river.”
H. Ahmad Bin Olin as a representative from the West Cikarang District Community Leader was also present and said, “Thank you FajarPaper for the support, I hope you will always provide support in every Cikarang REHAB activity.”

M. Yahya as Chairman of REHAB Cikarang said, “REHAB has programs every six months and every 1 year, and there is always an agenda every month. Today’s event coincides with the commemoration of World Water Day. Our community also operates in rivers/streams, so REHAB Cikarang means River Healing Base. And for this event we have prepared from 6 months ago. Alhamdulillah from FajarPaper and the surrounding environment too support. The choice of location here was due to a request from residents that this location was included as a target for garbage and waste disposal from households. With the event at this place, it is hoped that residents will also become more aware that this waste problem is dangerous, starting from the blockage of garbage which causes flooding and causes disease. This activity involves children because it is to teach the younger generation an introduction to media images. One of the programs from REHAB Cikarang is the river school. We have a river school and we hope that in the future there will be a base.
From activities that have been running for 4 years, this is the first time a company has wanted to support our activities. And we really appreciate this and we thank PT Fajar Surya Wisesa, Tbk. or commonly known as FajarPaper for providing support for our activities.”
“This activity is very good and positive because activities other than educating the public about river cleanliness and how to maintain it, especially in Cikarang district. Bekasi. Thank you to the management of FajarPaper for being very supportive and being a role model for other companies in Cikarang Kab. Bekasi.” added the Mading – rehab Cikarang member

Jefri D. Tambunan, as HR Strategic & Business Partner General Manager of PT Fajar Surya Wisesa Tbk said, “Today together we carry out clean activities in the Cikarang watershed, our employees who are members of the CSR team and PUK SP KEP SPSI collaborate together with the people and the River Healing Base Cikarang community starting from spreading fish seeds, cleaning the banks and rivers and there is also a drawing competition for children, we hope that this positive activity will always provide support from both our company and other companies in Bekasi Regency. ”
“We are called to this clean active action, initiated by REHAB Cikarang and also working with the PT. Fajar Surya Wisesa Tbk. This is a form of our social concern from the company regarding the rivers in Cikarang, especially in commemoration of World Water Day.” Added Kurniawan as CSR & Industrial Relations Manager of PT. Fajar Surya Wisesa, Tbk.
Usman Sopandi, as Head of PUK SP KEP SPSI PT. Fajar Surya Wisesa, Tbk said, “I, as the chairman of the PT. Fajar Surya Wisesa.Tbk union, and all staff and on behalf of all employees, convey the highest appreciation for the company for its concern for the community and the surrounding environment, especially for the maintenance of the Cikarang River in the form of releasing fish seeds, planting trees on the banks of the river, active cleaning and other activities through the good cooperation of all parties so that today’s agenda was successful and smooth. Hopefully what we have done can provide benefits for local residents and the company can continue this positive program.”
In addition to helping care for environmental cleanliness, FajarPaper continues to support CSR programs from several other fields such as improving education in Indonesia by renovating schools, providing scholarships and also other fields such as social, community empowerment with circular economy and environmental programs through the GEMARI BUMITANIK program (self-sustaining community movement through cultivation of maggot, fish and hydroponic plants) using organic waste from household waste as maggot feed, as well as other programs. For the whole community, PT. Fajar Surya Wisesa, Tbk wishes you a Happy World Water Day, let’s take care of the rivers and rivers around us!