Domiciled in Central Jakarta (“Company”) 





The Board of Directors of the Company hereby inform to the shareholders of the company that relating to the company’s Board of Directors Resolution dated November 7, 2018, as approved by the Board of Commissioners of the company, has been decided and agreed the distribution of the interim dividend for the year 2018 amounted Rp. 100.00 (one hundred Rupiah) per share (“Interim Dividend”).


A. Schedule for the execution of Interim Dividend (cash)

      1. Cum Dividen in Regular and Negotiation Market :  14 November 2018

      2. Ex Dividen in Regular and Negotiation Market :  15 November 2018

      3. Cum Dividen in Cash Market :  19 November 2018

      4. Ex Dividen in Cash Market :  21 November 2018

      5. Recording Date (entitled to Interim Dividend) :  19 November 2018

      6. Execution of Interim Dividend Payment :  04 December 2018


B.  Procedure for the distribution of Interim Dividend (Cash)

1.      This Notice is an official notification from the Company and the Company does not issue a special notice letter to the shareholders of the Company.

2.      The Interim Dividend will be distribute to shareholders whose names are validly registered in the Register of Shareholders of the Company on 19 November 2018 and / or The Shareholders of the Company whose names are validly registered in the account holder or the custodian bank in PT Indonesian Central Securities Depository (“KSEI”) at the close of trading dated 19 November 2018 (“Eligible Shareholder”).

3.      For Eligible Shareholder whose shares are registered in KSEI, will be receiving Interim Dividend and the payment will be made through Securities Company/ Custodian Bank where the account holder opens an account.

4.      For Eligible Shareholder whose shares are not in collective custody, payment of the Interim Dividend can obtained at the Company office Jl. Abdul Muis No.30 Jakarta 10160, Phone (021) 3441316, Fax (021) 3457643 at the cashier during working hours from Monday thru Friday from 9:00 AM – 16:00 PM Western Indonesian Time accompanied by a photocopy ID card or passport at the address in the Register of Shareholders.

5.      For Eligible Shareholder whose want the Interim Dividend payment made by wire transfer to their bank account, a minimum net Interim Dividend amount has to be of Rp10.000,-(ten thousand rupiah) and shall notify in writing the Bank’s name and account number no later than 19 November 2018 and the notification addressed to Biro Administrasi Efek (”BAE”) Perseroan, PT. Datindo Entrycom, Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 28, Jakarta 10120 Telp. (021) 3508077, Fax (021) 3508078.

6.      The Company does not serve requests shareholders to transfer their rights of the Interim Dividend to other parties.

7.      The Interim Dividend payment will be subject to income tax according to the rules applicable tax.

8.      For Eligible Shareholder who is a Domestic Tax Payer in the form of a Legal Entity that has not yet informed the Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) is required to submit the NPWP to KSEI or Registrar no later than 19 November 2018 at 16.00 Western Indonesian Time, without the inclusion of NPWP, cash Interim Dividend paid to the Domestic Taxpayer shall be subject to a higher rate of Income Tax 100% of the normal rate.

9.      For Eligible Shareholder who are Foreign Tax Payers whose withholding taxes using rates under the Agreement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation (P3B) must comply with the requirements of Regulation of the Director of Taxes No. PER-10/PJ/2017 on the Procedures for Implementation of Double Tax Avoidance Agreement by submitting Form DGT-1 or DGT-2 legalized by the tax office of company that entry the stock exchange to KSEI or BAE in accordance with KSEI rules and regulations, in the absence of DGT Form -1 or DGT-2, the cash Interim Dividend paid shall be subject to Income Tax Article 26 amounting of 20%.


Jakarta, 9 November 2018

Board of Directors